Fildena 150mg

Тип: Приватне
Додано: 25.04.2024 о 10:15:15
Fildena 150mg, фото 1
Опис пропозиції:
Take one dose of Fildena 150 mg as prescribed by the doctor without overdosing or changing the dosage on your own. It should be noted that erectile dysfunction medications should be taken only after proper consultation with the doctor. Always take the medicine with normal water and avoid taking it with fruit juices or alcohol. Always try to take the Fildena 150mg after a light meal or on an empty stomach and avoid taking it after a large or fatty meal. Once taken, it can keep you charged for more than 4-5 hours. Fildena 150 uses Sildenafil Citrate as its main salt composition in a powerful 150 mg dosage.
Від: bruceclark
На сайті з: 20 травня 2023 р.
new york
Ціна: 99 грн.
Стан: Хороший - Нові

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