Fildena Super Active is the most common pill for ED treatment
Тип: Приватне
Додано: 25.01.2025 о 13:06:24

Опис пропозиції:
Fildena Super Active is a penis hardening pill. It is a pill that can help you achieve stronger erections and prevent erectile dysfunction or ED problems as the term is coined medically to cure penis hardening problems. Fildena Super Active is a penis hardening pill. The dosage that you get in Fildena Super Active is 100mg of Generic Sildenafil which is the main ingredient of the pills although there are some other substances present in the pills in lesser quantities. The use of Fildena Super Active implies that you need to confirm the dosage and frequency of use. Generally, when it comes to the frequency of use of the pill, it is nothing more than one pill every 24 hours. Ask your doctor if your body can tolerate 100mg of Generic Sildenafil so that it does not cause any side effects.
Ціна: 99 грн.
Стан: Ідеальний - Нові
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